Search For Your Unclaimed Property. Each year businesses turn over millions of dollars in unclaimed cash, stocks, bonds, securities and insurance proceeds to the State Treasurer's Office.
App sections:
- Where to Look for Unclaimed Money. Currently, the government does not have one central website for finding unclaimed money by name, Social Security number, or state.
- Undelivered and Unclaimed Federal Tax Refund. Every year, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has millions of dollars in tax refunds that go undelivered or unclaimed.
- Unclaimed Money Videos.
- Search by State. Search your state’s listing of unclaimed funds and property:
Unclaimed Money in Alabama - AL
Unclaimed Money in Alaska - AK
Unclaimed Money in Arizona - AZ
Unclaimed Money in Arkansas - AR
Unclaimed Money in California - CA
Unclaimed Money in Colorado - CO
Unclaimed Money in Connecticut - CT
Unclaimed Money in Delaware - DE
Unclaimed Money in Florida - FL
Unclaimed Money in Georgia - GA
Unclaimed Money in Hawaii - HI
Unclaimed Money in Idaho - ID
Unclaimed Money in Illinois - IL
Unclaimed Money in Indiana - IN
Unclaimed Money in Iowa - IA
Unclaimed Money in Kansas - KS
Unclaimed Money in Kentucky - KY
Unclaimed Money in Louisiana - LA
Unclaimed Money in Maine - ME
Unclaimed Money in Maryland - MD
Unclaimed Money in Massachusetts - MA
Unclaimed Money in Michigan - MI
Unclaimed Money in Minnesota - MN
Unclaimed Money in Mississippi - MS
Unclaimed Money in Missouri - MO
Unclaimed Money in Montana - MT
Unclaimed Money in Nebraska - NE
Unclaimed Money in Nevada - NV
Unclaimed Money in New Hampshire - NH
Unclaimed Money in New Jersey - NJ
Unclaimed Money in New Mexico - NM
Unclaimed Money in New York - NY
Unclaimed Money in North Carolina - NC
Unclaimed Money in North Dakota - ND
Unclaimed Money in Ohio - OH
Unclaimed Money in Oklahoma - OK
Unclaimed Money in Oregon - OR
Unclaimed Money in Pennsylvania - PA
Unclaimed Money in Rhode Island - RI
Unclaimed Money in South Carolina - SC
Unclaimed Money in South Dakota - SD
Unclaimed Money in Tennessee - TN
Unclaimed Money in Texas - TX
Unclaimed Money in Utah - UT
Unclaimed Money in Vermont - VT
Unclaimed Money in Virginia - VA
Unclaimed Money in Washington - WA
Unclaimed Money in West Virginia - WV
Unclaimed Money in Wisconsin - WI
Unclaimed Money in Wyoming - WY
- 在哪里寻找无人认领的资金。目前,政府没有一个中央网站,可以通过姓名,社会安全号码或州来查找无人认领的金钱。
- 未交付和无人认领的联邦退税。每年,美国国税局(IRS)都有数百万美元的退税,这些退税都是未交付或无人认领的。
- 无人认领的金钱视频。
- 按州搜索。搜索您所在州的无人认领资金和财产清单:
在阿拉巴马州无人认领的钱 - AL
无人认领的金钱在阿拉斯加 - AK
无人认领的金钱在亚利桑那 - AZ
在阿肯色州无人认领的钱 - AR
在加利福尼亚州无人认领的钱 - 加州
在科罗拉多州的无人认领的钱 - CO
康涅狄格州无人认领的钱 - CT
特拉华州无人认领的货币 - DE
在佛罗里达州无人认领的钱 - 佛罗里达州
佐治亚州无人认领的钱 - GA
夏威夷无人认领的钱 - HI
爱达荷州无人认领的钱 - 身份证
伊利诺伊州无人认领的钱 - IL
印第安纳州无人认领的钱 - IN
爱荷华州无人认领的货币 - IA
堪萨斯州无人认领的货币 - KS
肯塔基州无人认领的钱 - 肯塔基州
在路易斯安那州无人认领的钱 - 洛杉矶
缅因州无人认领的钱 - 我
马里兰州无人认领的资金 - 医学博士
马萨诸塞州无人认领的资金 - MA
密歇根州无人认领的钱 - MI
明尼苏达州无人认领的货币 - 明尼苏达州
密西西比州无人认领的钱 - MS
在密苏里州无人认领的钱 - MO
在蒙大拿州无人认领的钱 - MT
在内布拉斯加州无人认领的钱 - NE
内华达州无人认领的货币 - 内华达州
新罕布什尔州无人认领的钱 - 新罕布什尔州
新泽西无人认领的钱 - 新泽西州
新墨西哥州无人认领的货币 - 新墨西哥州
在纽约无人认领的钱 - 纽约
北卡罗来纳州无人认领的货币 - 北卡罗来纳州
北达科他州无人认领的货币 - ND
在俄亥俄州无人认领的钱 - OH
在俄克拉荷马州无人认领的钱 - 好吧
在俄勒冈州无人认领的钱 - 或者
宾夕法尼亚州无人认领的钱 - 宾夕法尼亚州
在罗德岛的无人认领的钱 - RI
南卡罗来纳州无人认领的钱 - SC
南达科他州无人认领的货币 - SD
在田纳西州无人认领的钱 - TN
德克萨斯州无人认领的货币 - 德克萨斯州
犹他州无人认领的钱 - UT
在佛蒙特州无人认领的钱 - VT
弗吉尼亚州无人认领的钱 - 弗吉尼亚州
在华盛顿无人认领的钱 - 华盛顿州
在西弗吉尼亚州无人认领的钱 - 西弗吉尼亚州
在威斯康星州无人认领的钱 - 威斯康星州
在怀俄明州无人认领的钱 - 怀俄明州